

From doing this experiment I wanted to discover if a homemade squirrel repellent does alter squirrels natural foraging behaviors, causing them to avoid the pallet, as shown in previous experiments. To conduct the experiment I had two pallets with 150 grams of black oil sunflower seeds on each, and put homemade squirrel repellent on one, then placed them 15 feet away from each other and took data points from both every 2-3 days. After collecting 9 data points I found that the plate with squirrel repellent on it had less seeds eaten 100% of the time, and the average of the seeds left on the plate after doing the experiment was higher for the plate with homemade repellent on it. These findings confirmed that using a homemade repellent does effectively alter squirrels natural foraging behaviors, making them avoid the seed surrounded by repellent.
