Curriculum and PD
Professional Learning Opportunities
Findings Q&A
December 9th or 10th, 3:30-4:30, virtual
Register here
To request a free professional learning opportunity at your school:
contact Catherine Bursk,
Interested in participating or learning more?
Participate in Findings from the Field
Nature Notes are shorter form, published scientific observations. Students make connections to what they notice and what they know to ask compelling questions or pose new ideas. The Nature Note can be the jumping off point for deeper investigation.
Research Articles are full scientific investigations. Students examine an environmental phenomena and write a complete study including: introduction, methods, results, and conclusion. With the Research Article students hit all NGSS science practices.
Peer review allows students to review other students’ work from other schools without submitting to the journal. Students will carefully examine models of student research and develop skills such as providing constructive feedback. Peer review provides students a deeper understanding of the collaborative nature of science. Peer review can be a great first step towards supporting students in submitting work of their own.
In Data Challenges students explore complex data sets around various climate phenomena. Students engage in data sense-making, asking questions, and talking with peers. The Data Challenge is not about finding an answer, but asking thought-provoking questions.
Data Challenge Phenomena
As Ecosystem Observers, students build curiosity and connections to local outdoor spaces and learn to make scientific observations. Through their practice, they deepen their background knowledge on an ecological topic, collect observations in the field, and generate questions and hypotheses. Students share their findings with others through the Nature Notes, which can be submitted to the journal or at the Symposium.
Need Inspriation?
Use one of GMRI's Community Science or Lab Venture curriculum to explore ecological phenomena:
For more curriculum ideas from GMRI, check out our Learning Resource Hub
Findings Info Session